

The NutriTracker shows what you are eating and calculates your MedChefs Core 5 and MedChefs Advantage Points on a daily basis. When you add or subtract meals from your daily meal plan, the NutriTracker will reflect those changes. That way, you can always stay on track with healthy, delicious meals.

MedChefs Core 5

Based on the American Heart Association dietary guidelines, MedChefs supports an evidence-based system for improving health through diet. Studies reveal that what you eat is more important than what you don’t eat. With the MedChefs Core 5 system you get 1 point for each healthy dietary practice.

1 Point: Fruits and Vegetables: ≥ 4.5 cups a day

1 Point: Whole Grains and Legumes: ≥ 3 servings a day

1 point: Sodium: ≤ 1,500 mg

1 Point: Soda/Sugar Sweetened Beverages: ≤ 5 oz a day

1 Point: Fish 3.5 oz (oily fish): ≥ 2 servings a week

MedChefs Core 5 score classification:

0-1 MedChefs Points: Poor Dietary Health

2-3 MedChefs Points: Intermediate Dietary Health

4-5 MedChefs Points: Ideal Dietary Health

Naturally we should aim for a daily score of 4-5 to achieve ideal dietary health.

MedChefs Advantage Points

Clinical trials confirm that additional predictors for health are increased dietary fiber and minimizing consumption of processed meats. The MedChefs scoring system gives up to two “Advantage Points” for meeting these goals, as well.

1 Advantage Point: Fiber (≥ 25 grams per day for a woman and 35 gm for a man)

1 Advantage Point: Processed Meats (≤ 2 servings per week)


In English units, the formula for BMI = Weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared multiplied by 703. In general, a BMI over 25 is now the standard to indicate a person is overweight. A BMI over 30 is the medial definition of obesity.


Goal: Fish 3.5 oz (oily fish): ≥ 2 servings a week

Fish is a relatively healthy source of protein. However, not all fish have the same level of benefit. The so-called “oily fish” have a greater benefit on cardiovascular health than white fish. These oily fish have higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce the incidence of heart attacks, sudden death and to reduce inflammation. Oily fish include salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring and anchovies.


Fiber is the portion of plant-based food that is not digestible. By passing through your intestine it lowers the absorption of blood sugar. It also increases the health of the intestines including reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Goal: Fiber: ≥ 25 grams per day for a woman and ≥ 35 grams for a man

Use this guide of fiber rich foods to see if you are getting an adequate amount of fiber per day.
Lentils: 15.6 grams per cup, cooked.
Black Beans: 15 grams per cup, cooked.
Artichokes: 10.3 grams per medium vegetable, cooked.
Peas: 8.8 grams per cup, cooked.
Broccoli: 5.1 grams per cup, boiled.
Raspberries: 8 grams per cup, raw.
Blackberries: 7.6 grams per cup, raw.
Avocados: 6.7 grams per half, raw.
Pears: 5.5 grams per medium fruit, raw.
Bran Flakes: 7 grams per cup, raw.
Whole Wheat Pasta: 6.3 grams per cup, cooked.
Oatmeal: 4 grams per cup, cooked.

Whole Grain

Cereal is any grass cultivated for its grain (this is like the “fruit” portion for the grass). A “Whole Grain” is the intact portion of this grain. When whole grains are refined you are left with “refined” or “processed” carbohydrates. These are less healthy because the nutritious part of the grain was stripped away leaving just simple carbohydrates. The simple carbohydrates are rapidly converted to blood sugar when eaten. We should eat more whole grains and less refined grains.

Goal: Whole Grains: ≥ 3 servings a day (can be combined with Legumes)

In determining if you are getting a sufficient amount of whole grains, see the list below as a guide.

1 serving = 1 oz (28 g) equivalent: 1 slice of whole grain bread, 1 cup of whole grain ready-to-eat cereal, 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice, whole wheat pasta, or whole-grain hot cereals such as oatmeal, oatbran, Cream of Rye—NOT Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rice or Grits.

Do you regularly eat any of these foods?
Whole Wheat Bread
Brown Rice
Whole Grain Barley
Whole Rye
Whole Wheat Couscous


A legume is a simple, dry fruit contained within a shell or a pod. Technically it is the fruit or seed of a leguminous plant (pea or bean). Legumes can be subdivided into different subsections including: beans, lentils, peas and peanuts.

Legumes are packed with nutritious value. They provide fiber, protein, carbohydrate, B vitamins, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc and phosphorous. Legumes are low in fat and because they are plants they are free of cholesterol. Evidence shows that legumes play an important role in the prevention and management of a number of health conditions such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and obesity.

Goal: Legumes: ≥ 3 servings a day (can be combined with Whole Grains)

In determining if you are getting a sufficient amount of legumes, see the list below as a guide.

1 serving = ½ cup of cooked beans or 1/6th dry, ½ cup cooked lentils or 1/5th cup dry , ¾ cup of tofu or tempeh

Do you regularly eat any of these foods?
Kidney beans
Cannellini beats
Great northern beans
Navy beans
Fava beans
Cranberry beans
Black beans
Pinto beans
Soy beans
Black-eyed peas

Processed Meats

Meat is considered “Processed” if it is preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or with the addition of chemical preservatives.

Goal: Processed Meats consumption should be ≤ 2 servings (< 50 grams or 1.75 ounces per week) per week

Examples of processed meats include:
Pork or Beef Patties
Hot Dogs
Corn Dogs
Polish Sausage
Breakfast Sausage—Patties and Links
Chicken Nuggets/Fingers
Chicken Patties
Fish Sticks/Nuggets
Canned Meats—not Tuna or Salmon
Luncheon Meat


Sodium: ≤ 1,500 mg

Most of us should eat less than 1,500 to 2,300 mg of sodium (salt) per day. The average American gets 3,500-4,000 mg per day. 80% of our daily salt intake is hidden in the food we eat. Just 1 teaspoon of salt added to your food has about 2,000 mg of sodium.

If you regularly eat these foods you likely have a high salt diet.
Breads and rolls
Cold Cuts/Cured Meats
Canned Foods
Fast Food
Chips, Pretzels, and Other Savory Snacks

Activity Levels

1 Sedentary
<4,999 Daily Steps
30 min of activity:
Walking 4 mph (4,500 steps)
Walking 3 mph (3,000 steps)
Raking leaves (3,600 steps)

2 Lightly Active
5,000 – 7,499 Daily Steps
30 min of activity:
Playing Basketball (7,200 steps)
Circuit Training (7,200 steps) Jumping rope (9,000 steps)
Rowing Machine (7,700 steps)
Running 5 mph (7,200 steps)
Playing Soccer (6,300 steps) Stationary Bike (moderate exertion) (6,300 steps)
Singles Tennis (6,300 steps)
Jazzercise (5,400 steps)
60 min of activity:
Walking 3 mph (6,000 steps)

3 Moderately Active
7,500 – 9,999 Daily Steps
30 min of activity:
Stationary Bike (vigorous) (9,000 steps)
Swimming Laps (vigorous) (9,000 steps)
Running 6 mph (9,000 steps)
60 min of activity:
Walking 4 mph (9,000 steps)
Kayaking (9,000 steps)

4 Very Active
10,000 – 12,499 Daily Steps
60 min of activity:
Hiking (10,900 steps)
Soccer (12,700 steps)
Downhill Skiing (10,900 steps)

5 Extremely Active
>12,500 Daily Steps
60 min of activity:
Running 5 mph (14,500 steps)
Basketball game (14,500 steps)
Circuit Training (14,500 steps)
Jumping rope ((18,000 steps)
Racquetball (12,700 steps)
Stairmaster (16,000 steps)
Stationary Bike (12,700 steps)
Swimming laps (moderate) (12,700 steps)
Singles Tennis (12,700 steps)
Cross Country Skiing (14,500 steps)